- While logged into OneSource, select Data Consumers in the navigation menu
Choose Distributors in the dropdown
On the Data Consumers page, click Export (shown n the Distributor table)
Choose Download as CSV
This export will include Distributors and their special pricing (if available)
- When the CSV file downloads open the file
- In the Distributors file, find the Distributor under the Company Name
- Next to the Distributor's company name, in the Discount % and/or EQP Column, add the Distributor's Special Pricing details
Repeat steps 6 & 7 as needed
Save your changes
- When you're done adding customer numbers, go back to the Data Consumers page inside OneSource
Click Import in the table
- Click Select file
Choose & Open the CSV file that includes your Distributor's Special Pricing
- The file will upload and import automatically
- When the import successfully completes, close the Import Data Consumers dialog box
- The distributors you've added a Special Pricing too will show the Special Pricing Details under the Special Pricing column
You've now added Special Pricing for Distributors using OneSource!