How to Add Distributor's Customer Numbers to OneSource - Bulk

Add one or more Customer Numbers to Distributors in OneSource to unlock access to your PromoStandards Order Services!

To import Distributor Customer Numbers to OneSource, you'll start by exporting a CSV file of all the Distributors, then you'll add the customer numbers to the spreadsheet (using a pipe "|" to separate multiple customer numbers), before importing it back into OneSource.


  1. While logged into OneSource, select Data Consumers in the navigation menu

  2. Choose Distributors in the dropdown

  3. On the Data Consumers page, click Export (shown n the Distributor table)

  4. Choose Download as CSV

    This export will include Distributors and their customer numbers (if available)

  5. When the CSV file downloads open the file

  6. In the Distributors file, find the Distributor under the Company Name

    If the Distributor doesn't exist in the file, you can add them in an empty row to be added as a Relationship Consumer Type in OneSource once imported

  7. Next to the Distributor's company name, in the Customer # column, add the Distributor's customer number(s) used to identify them within your company

    (Use a pipe to separate multiple customer numbers as shown below)

  8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 as needed

  9. Save your changes

  10. When you're done adding customer numbers, go back to the Data Consumers page inside OneSource

  11. Click Import in the table

  12. Click Select file

  13. Choose & Open the CSV file that includes your added customer numbers

  14. The file will upload and import automatically

  15. When the import successfully completes, close the Import Data Consumers dialog box

  16. The distributors you've added a customer number to will show as "Available" under the Order Services Access column

You've now added Distributors' Customer Numbers in bulk!



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