Activate & Deactivate Products in Bulk

The Activation Manager can easily and quickly activate and deactivate your products in bulk. 

  • Deactivating a product with the Activation Manager immediately changes the product's “Active End Date” to expire those products. This action prevents the product from displaying throughout DistributorCentral (this includes distributor websites, your own supplier website, and the internal distributor search). 
  • Activating a product within the Activation Manager makes the product active by setting the products “Active End Date” to infinite. This action will allow the product to appear throughout DistributorCentral (this includes distributor websites, your own supplier website, and the internal distributor search).  

Access the Activation Manager by following these steps: 

  1. While logged into your DistributorCentral supplier account, click Products in the left menu
  2. Next, click Advanced Features
  3. Within the Advanced Features sub menu, click Activation Manager

Now that you're on the Activation Manager page within DistributorCentral, you can quickly see your active products to the right, and your inactive products to the left 

To deactivate products: 

  1. Select one or more products from the Active Products list
  2. Click the left pointing arrow button to move the product to the Inactive Products list
  3. Repeat as needed
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

This action may take a few minutes to complete in DistributorCentral

To activate products: 

  1. Select one or more products from the Inactive Products list
  2. Click the right pointing arrow button to move the product to the Active Products list
  3. Repeat as needed
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

This action may take a few minutes to complete in DistributorCentral


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