- In your website editor, click the Settings button to the top left
- Under Settings, there is a section for Global settings (settings applied to every page throughout your website) and a section for Current Page settings (settings applied only to the page you currently are editing).
Click the Edit Meta Tags option under Global to add meta tags for your whole website
OR -
Click Edit Meta Tags option under Current Page to apply page specific meta tags
Click the Edit Meta Tags option under Global to add meta tags for your whole website
Meta Tag Tips:
Your meta data MUST be wrapped in the correct HTML tag to work appropriately. Here are examples of common meta tags used:
<meta name="description" content="Your description goes here">
<meta name="keywords" content="keywords, separated, by, commas, go, here">
- What is a Meta Keywords Attribute? This is where you add keywords that are relevant to the website or web page
- What is a Meta Description Attribute? This is a brief description of the website or web page.
- What are Title Tags? These are titles of the website or pages (This is controlled by your website's name or page's name, entering a title tag will not override the page name or website name.)