SAGE Attribute Spreadsheet Guide

The following columns are available in the SAGE Attributes when you export your Product Attribute spreadsheet

Column Column Name Note
G Decoration Method Please provide any missing decoration Methods
Z Product Height Please update these if they are available.
AA Product Length Please update these if they are available.
AB Product Width Please update these if they are available.
BV Price Includes Colors Please update these if they are available.
BW Price Includes Sides Please update these if they are available.
BX Price Includes Locations Please update these if they are available.
CE Categories Please provide any missing categories
CF Themes Please provide any missing Themes
CG Keywords *** Provide this data if you want to override keywords listed in DC
CH Setup Charge *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
CI Setup Charge Code *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
CJ Screen Charge Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CK Screen Charge Code Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CL Plate Charge Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CM Plate Charge Code Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CN Die Charge Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CO Die Charge Code Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CP Tooling Charge Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CQ Tooling Charge Code Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CR Repeat Charge Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CS Repeat Charge Code Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CT Additional Color Charge Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CU Additional Color Charge Code Please provide this data if you want it on SAGE
CV Additional Color Run Charge1  *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
CW Additional Color Run Charge *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
CX Additional Color Run Charge3 *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
CY Additional Color Run Charge4 *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
CZ Additional Color Run Charge5 *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
DA Additional Color Run Charge6 *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations
DB Additional Color Run Charge Codes *** Provide this data if you want to override DC calculations

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