Product Data Spreadsheet Overview

Instructions & Tips

Product data spreadsheet columns & descriptions:

Column Column Name Note
A SupplierItemGUID The unique value with which DC identifies your product. We will fill in this value for you - do not modify this cell.
B Status Use D to delete product and I to import product
C SuplItemNo The product number, or the number that you use to identify your product.
D ItemName The product name.
E SuplDisplayNo The product style number (used to identify different styles of the same product number).
F SuplDisplayName The product style name (used in conjunction with the style number to identify different styles of the same product number).
G CreatedDate Date created (autofilled by DC when exported)
H LastUpdatedDate Last updated date (autofilled by DC when exported)
I Description The product description.
J AddInfo Additional product information that didn't fit in the product description.
K DistributorOnlyInfo Descriptive product information that is ONLY see by distributors logged into DistributorCentral, not by end users on Distributor websites (used for specials, industry-only information, etc.)
L SuplInventoryNo Inventory Number
M Categories A list of categories to which the product is (or should be) assigned - see DC list for official categories).
N Size The size of the product.
O DisplayWeight The weight of the product.
P OriginationZipCode The zip code from which this product ships.
Q CountryOfManufactureGUID Country of Manufacture GUID
R CountryOfManufactureName Country of Manufacture Name
D OrderCartName Order Cart Name
T OrderCartTypeGUID  Order Cart Type GUID
U OptionsByOptionNumber The Option Numbers (separated by commas) corresponding to options that are assigned (or should be assigned) to this product. The option numbers should match the option numbers on DC, or in the Options spreadsheet
V OptionsByOptionName The Option Names (separated by commas) corresponding to options that are assigned (or should be assigned) to this product. The option numbers should match the option names on DC, or in the Options spreadsheet
W OptionsByOptionStyleNumber The Option Style Numbers (separated by commas) corresponding to options that are assigned (or should be assigned) to this product - can be used to assign options to products in cases where multiple options with the same option number exist.
X ItemOptionGUIDList Option GUIDs
Y ShipQty1 The quantity packed in one box that matches the dimensions provided in this spreadsheet.
Z ShipWeight1 The weight of one packed box matching the quantity and dimensions provided in this spreadsheet.
AA ShipLength1 The length of the packed product matching the provided quantity and weight.
AB ShipWidth1 The width of the packed product matching the provided quantity and weight.
AC ShipHeight1 The height of the packed product matching the provided quantity and weight.
AD ShipQty2 Repeat of column Y
AE ShipWeight2 Repeat of columns Z
AF ShipLength2 Repeat of columns AA
AG ShipWidth2 Repeat of columns AB
AH ShipHeight2 Repeat of columns AC 
AI ShipQty3 Repeat of column Y
AJ ShipWeight3 Repeat of columns Z
AK ShipLength3 Repeat of columns AA
AL ShipWidth3 Repeat of columns AB
AM ShipHeight3 Repeat of columns AC 
AN ShipQty4 Repeat of column Y
AO ShipWeight4 Repeat of columns Z
AP ShipLength4 Repeat of columns AA
AQ ShipWidth4 Repeat of columns AB
AR ShipHeight4 Repeat of columns AC 
AD HasImage Indicates whether or not an image exists for this option (DC populates this field).
AT ImageLink A link to the image for this option, or if importing/updating option data - the link to an image on your website that you would like imported for this option.
AU ProductionTime The general production time for this product (numeric values only).
AV ProductVersionName The product version - used to differentiate pricing for multiple versions of a like product number (e.g., standard, RUSH, BLANK, etc.).
AW AcctProductVersionGUID The unique identifier associated with the product version.
AX PriceTierName The price tier used to differentiate pricing for special price tiers (e.g., EQP for specific customers).
AY PriceTierGUID The unique identifier associated with the price tier.
AZ ShowCallForPricing If you wish to display the 'Call for Pricing' message rather than displaying actual pricing - set this flat to '1')
BB Vin Vendor identification number - like a s sku for inventory purposes
BD isPublic Is the product displayed on websites and in apis (including OneSource)
BE SetupQty1 The quantity associated with the setup charge for this item (usually '1')
BF SetupNet1 The net price associated with the setup charge for this item.
BG SetupRetail1 The retail price associated with the setup charge for this item.
BH SetupMargin1 The margin associated with the setup charge for this item.
BI SetupUnitOfMeasureGUID1 Setup charge unit of measure GUID (prefilled by DC)
BJ SetupDisplay1 A flag used to determine whether or not to display the setup charges in your online collection or to others viewing your product data.
BK Qty1 The quantity breaks for the various run charges.
BL Net1 The net prices associated with the various run charges.
BM Retail1 The retail prices associated with the various run charges.
BN Margin1 The margins associated with the various run charges.
BO UnitOfMeasureGUID1 Unit of Measure GUID (prefilled by DC)
BP Display1 Flag used to determine whether or not to display this column of pricing in the collection.
BQ Updated Were updates made to this product? 


  • To add additional quantity breaks (qty, net, retail, and margin) - simply add additional columns and name them (e.g., Qty10, Net10, Retail10, Margin10)
  • Specify price calculations: If you only provide net or retail pricing and the margin codes, we can automatically calculate the pricing during the import process.

Product data field examples - do not change any fields highlighted in red





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