What are Margin/Discount Codes?

Margin codes (also known as discount codes) are alphabetical codes that identify the net price a distributor pays for a product based on its suggested retail price. These codes correspond to the percentage profit margin a distributor earns when selling the product.

For example, if a product's retail price is $5.00 each and it has a margin code of "A (50%)", then the price a distributor would pay for the product is $2.50 each.


Industry margin codes: 

A (50%)
B (45%)
C (40%)
D (35%)
E (30%
F (25%)
G (20%)
H (15%)
I (10%)
J (5%)
K (0%)
L (70%)
M (65%)
N (60%)
O (55%)
P (50%)
Q (45%)
R (40%)
S (35%)
T (30%)
U (25%)
V (20%)
W (15%)
X (10%)
Y (5%)
Z (0%)


Margin percentages A-K are repeated in margin codes P-Z. For example:
A 50% margin could be indicated with an "A" or a "P".

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