Type of Form Fields - Option Editor (Standard DC Spreadsheet)

Under the "Option Ordering" tab, you can select the "Type Of Form Field To Display When Ordering" – This allows you to control how a customer orders on the shopping cart. 

The types of form fields and their descriptions are below. 

Choice Checkbox
– This is used when you want a customer to select a choice from and option. How it calculates: Main quantity of products ordered x option or choice prices.

Choice Checkbox (Each Choice One Quantity) – This is used when you want a customer to select a choice from an option. How it calculates: Each choice selected x the option or choice prices.

Choice Checkbox With User Input – The same as Choice Checkbox, except it throws in a text box for the customer to type in information. This is used when you want a customer to select a choice from an option.How it calculates: Main quantity of products ordered times option or choice prices.

Choice Quantity – This is used when you want a customer to enter a quantity for a choice within an option. How it calculates: Each choice selected times the option or choice prices.

Choice Quantity With Total –This is used when you want the quantity entered within an option to equal the number of products ordered. Good to use for shirt sizes. It forces a customer to enter the same quantity as the number of products ordered. So if a customer orders 100 shirts, they can order 25 small, 25 medium, and 50 large shirts. How it calculates: Each quantity entered times the option or choice price, if applicable

Option Hidden (Main Quantity) – This is used when a customer must be charged for something and isn’t required to select or enter anything. The option remains hidden until it displays on the final shopping cart page. However, the option is still created and added to the product. This option type is used a lot for setup charges or less than minimum charges. How it calculates: Any pricing within the option will be multiplied by the main quantity of products ordered unless it is a setup charge, in which case it will be charged only once.

Option Hidden (Option Quantity) - This is used when a customer must be charged for something and isn’t required to select or enter anything. The option remains hidden until it displays on the final shopping cart page. However, the option is still created and added to the product. How it calculates: Any pricing within the option will be multiplied by the pricing within the option.

Double Option Grids - Double Options are used when you have a product that can be ordered with a mixture of colors, sizes, imprints, etc. The customer can choose a quantity of the product to be customized in one way, and then another quantity to be imprinted in another. 

Most often, these are used with apparel when there may be different sizes & colors within an order for one product.

Option Quantity – This is used when you want a customer to enter a quantity within an option. Use when no choices are necessary in an option. How it calculates: Each quantity entered is multiplied by option prices.

Option Quantity (value x main order quantity) – This is used when you want a customer to enter a quantity within an option and then have that multiplied by the main number of product ordered. Use when no choices are necessary in an option. How it calculates: Each quantity entered is multiplied by option prices then by total number of products ordered.

Option Yes/No (Main Qty.) – Default No or Default Yes signifies what the radio button will be defaulted to display. This is used when you have a simple yes or no question to ask a customer. Example: “Would you like the items packaged in poly bags?” How it calculates: The option price is multiplied by the total number of products ordered.

Option Yes/No (Option Qty.) - Default No or Default Yes signifies what the radio button will be defaulted to display. This is used when you have a simple yes or no question to ask a customer. How it calculates: Only the pricing in the option is calculated.

Option Yes/No With User Input (Main Qty.) - Default No or Default Yes signifies what the radio button will be defaulted to display. This is used when you have a simple yes or no question to ask a customer. It also allows a customer to type in a comment. The option price is multiplied by the total number of products ordered.

Option Yes/No With User Input (One Qty.) - Default No or Default Yes signifies what the radio button will be defaulted to display. This is used when you have a simple yes or no question to ask a customer. It also allows a customer to type in a comment. How it calculates: Only the pricing in the option is calculated.

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